Basic Information

Basic Data
Trade name: MORAVIA CONSULT Olomouc a.s.
Registered office: Legionářská 1085/8, 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic
Legal form: joint-stock company
File no.: Company entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava, section B, file 1217 on30 January 1996.
Company ID: 646 10 357
Taxpayer ID: CZ64610357
Bank details: KB, a.s.
Account number: 107-4045530257/0100
Data box ID: kjee9md
Business register statement listed on

Number of Employees

MORAVIA CONSULT Olomouc a. s. employs about one hundred and thirty people in all branches in Moravia – in Olomouc, Brno, Valašské Meziříčí and Ostrava.

More than 80% of our core employees have a university degree, one third are certified under Act 360/1992 Sb. and are registered by the Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians (ČKAIT) or the Czech Chamber of Architects (ČKA).

In the year of 2015, 18 chosen designers were trained in the field of worldwide methodology of project control under the certification PRINCE2. All of them gained the worldwide certification PRINCE2 Foundation or Prince2 Practitioner.

Professional Structure

Profession Number of Specialists of which with
university degree
Management 3 3
Legal agenda 1 1
Transport construction (railway, road) 24 23
Structural engineering and bridges 25 21
Water management structures 2 2
Architecture 2 2
Civil engineering 19 15
Communication and protecting equipment and distribution lines 5 5
Heavy-current technology and distribution lines 9 9
Geodetic work 2 1
Budgets 7 4
Construction organization and transport technology 5 5
Economic assessment of buildings 2 2
BIM manager 1 1
Fire specialist 1 1
Engineering 7 6
IT 2 2
Administration 10 5
Planography 2 0

Data updated as at 1st January 2024.